Who We Are
Being is a new enterprise started by two psychotherapists, Ambika Erin Connelly and Katherine Akroyd, who wanted to create a space that was specifically devoted to therapeutic healing. We were on the same course, which created some common ground, but it was the chats we had while commuting to school that opened our conversations about a great deal of shared values and interests.
The space is intended to provide a confidential and safe environment for therapeutic work. We hope it inspires and supports professionals and their clients, as it does us. Through self-exploration and reflection therapy can create new perspectives of understanding and being.
We invite other like-minded therapists to share the room, as our contribution to creating a community in a profession where people often work alone. We aim to offer workshops and seminars as alternative means of personal development, besides individual therapy.
Ambika Erin Connelly
![Picture of Founding Psychotherapist Ambika Erin Connelly](/images/Ambika Erin Connelly.png)
Personal Statement
I believe therapy can be a vital tool for self-understanding and for relating well with the world. The Humanistic approach is the most compatible for me, personally and professionally, because it respects each individual as a whole person.
I believe the therapeutic relationship can offer a person the opportunity to experience a different kind of relationship, which can have a positive ripple effect towards resuming growth that might have become stuck or supporting a person during change.
Katherine Akroyd
![Picture of Founding Psychotherapist Katherine Akroyd](/images/Katherine Akroyd.png)
Personal Statement
The Humanistic approach has and continues to be the form of therapy that most closely matches my sense of the world and how human beings exist within it. Based as it is in the fundamental concept of the power of human growth, it speaks to me of hope, of personal power, of the ability for each of us to change ourselves and our world into someone or something that we can experience differently. I am inspired!
If you wish to contact one of our Resident Therapists, you can use our standard Contact Form or the contact details for each of the Resident Therapists on their individual profile page.
Rosheen Hopwell
![Picture of Resident Psychotherapist Rosheen Hopwell](/images/Rosheen Hopwell.png)
Personal Statement
My professional orientation is Humanistic with a focus on Person Centred psychotherapy. I feel motivated towards this approach as I believe it encourages the experience of life as a unique individual. This philosophical approach often encompasses a journey of personal exploration and growth that seeks to assist individuals in finding the answers for themselves.
Within my practice, I offer a formal and professional relationship that is integrated and authentic. This service is confidential and attempts to accommodate individuals with ways of working which can encourage the development of self-awareness and self- responsibility. My personal philosophy incorporates the provision of a safe environment from which individuals can explore their thoughts, emotions, experiences and perceptions within framework of acceptance.
I look forward to working with clients at be-ing, alongside founders Katherine and Ambika. I wish all clients and therapists working at be-ing every success for the future.